Making a Roland Accordion Sing in Different Voices

My dad bought a Roland FR-4X. This is an electronic accordion that is basically a synthesizer in accordion clothing. Being the family member that's supposed to know stuff about technology, dad asked me to figure out how to set different musette sounds, and assign them to those buttons above the keys so they could be accessed easily. There's a bit of digging to do to figure this out. Also, the mean time to forget the process is probably 15 minutes so I thought I'd document it here. First of all, a musette tuning means that specific reed sets are tuned away from standard (440) pitch. There are tuning for German musette, French musette, and probably a bunch more. I'm not a folk player so my accordions aren't tuned this way; but many accordion players use it. In fact, there is a style of playing and specific music called 'musette style'. The respected instrument tuner manufacturer Peterson has specific presets for folks wanting to tune accordions in a mu...