
Showing posts from December, 2019

My Email to the Army Corp of Engineers Managing the Francis E. Walter Dam Usage Re-Evaluation

It’s typical that the tone of a project is set at the beginning. Projects can be set out in an open fashion where affected parties feel they are being included and that their input is valued; or, projects can have a hidden agenda where information is dribbled out with the hope that the project has enough momentum that by the time affected folks figure out what’s going on, it’s too late to change course. Unfortunately, this project appears to be of the latter type.  Although the official ‘first’ meeting announcement states: ‘The study will focus primarily on flood risk management, with consideration to environmental, water supply, water quality, and recreation, to identify possible improvements to the existing structure, infrastructure, and operations that will support the current and future demands within the region. The study will include public comment opportunities and public meetings, which will be announced on this webpage and through other avenues.‘ If one understands t...